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Power of Decision
With Richard Branson on Necker Island I share this story because it illustrates the very important power of DECISION in our lives. Years ago, I was watching a show on the Discovery Channel about Richard Branson's private Caribbean island in the British Virgin Islands...
The Power of Intention
The Power of Intention These are some thoughts and ideas I recently wrote down after listening to a powerful audiobook called Parallel Universes of Self, which I highly recommend, along with Power Vs. Force. Both are excellent and I recommend them...
The Power of Focus
The internet has forever changed our lives, and has made it possible for thousands of people around the world to create incomes and real businesses online, and run them from anywhere in the world. The term 'The Internet Lifestyle' may sound cliche, but for many people...
Power of Decision
With Richard Branson on Necker Island I share this story because it illustrates the very important power of DECISION in our lives. Years ago, I was watching a show on the Discovery Channel about Richard Branson's private Caribbean island in the British Virgin Islands...
The Power of Intention
The Power of Intention These are some thoughts and ideas I recently wrote down after listening to a powerful audiobook called Parallel Universes of Self, which I highly recommend, along with Power Vs. Force. Both are excellent and I recommend them...
The Power of Focus
The internet has forever changed our lives, and has made it possible for thousands of people around the world to create incomes and real businesses online, and run them from anywhere in the world. The term 'The Internet Lifestyle' may sound cliche, but for many people...